Lowest Cost & Most Positive Outcome
15+ years of experience
10,000+ cases successfully filed
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Lynx Legal Service will help you get started on the right foot. Probate court is something most people don’t think much about until they have to. Lynx Legal Service does the hard part for you.
Lynx Legal will get you prepared for your probate process and get all your legal documentation in shape for a fraction of the cost of an attorney.
You are trying to do your duty to your departed love one. You recognize that you have a duty to the other family members that are looking to you to do the right thing. Nonetheless, you want to get the job done at the lowest cost, and with as little family upset as possible. Let Lynx Legal help you achieve most positive outcome possible.
Let us help you get the process started on the right foot. Call us today, answer a few basic questions, and we will prepare the initial forms that need to be filed. We will get you on your way to settling the probate estate rapidly and efficiently. We will even help you file additional documentation during the process that may be required. You may also complete the attached set up form and return it to us via fax or email to start your probate case right away.