Living Trust
Lynx Can Prepare the Trust Document for You
A living trust is a legal document that states who you want to manage and distribute your assets if you're unable to do so, and who receives them when you pass away. Having one helps communicate your wishes so your loved ones aren't left guessing or dealing with the courts.
Living trusts are advantageous for several reasons. Most notably, they provide a mechanism to avoid the probate of any asset held in the trust. There is no need to involve the probate court, since the decedent (before passing) already gave the power to settle his estate to a trusted family member or friend.
Lynx can help you prepare your living trust documents for a fraction of the cost an attorney would charge. Simply provide us with a breakdown of those assets you intend to hold in the trust and the individuals who will receive them when you pass. We will transform that information into a highly polished legal document memorializing your testamentary wishes.