Landlords often hesitate to rent to people with dogs for several reasons, including fear of liability for a dog bite.…
Small claims court offers a quick, informal, and inexpensive way of resolving many types of smaller disputes you may have…
Foreclosure occurs when the owner of real property cannot pay his mortgage and the bank takes back the property and…
Most landlords require tenants to pay a security deposit as a condition of entering into a lease agreement. Among other…
Commercial property owners should fully understand Arizona’s landlord-tenant laws addressing tenant evictions, since non-compliance with those laws can result in…
In Arizona, either one of the partners can ask for a divorce, and only the court can legally end the…
Rental property owners should be aware of the strict rules governing landlord retaliation because they adversely affect a landlord’s ability…
The relationship between a landlord and tenant is governed by the parties’ lease and Arizona law. Arizona’s Revised Statutes outline…
Is there anything a tenant can do to challenge a judgment of eviction in the landlord’s favor? The answer is…
In Arizona, landlords cannot evict tenants or force them to vacate the property without a reason. This article summarizes the…