Landlords in Arizona are allowed to file an Eviction Action under the Rules of Procedure for Eviction Actions (also known…
Small Claims Court is geared towards the average citizen, letting everyday people resolve their disputes quickly and inexpensively. Almost any…
What Is A Constructive Eviction? In California, there is an implied warranty of habitability requiring the landlord to provide rental…
After filing for divorce in California, the law requires that you serve your spouse with the divorce petition to give…
How do you go about evicting someone who is not on the lease and has moved into the rental unit…
One of the most significant issues in any divorce is the court-ordered division of property between the parties. Here is…
Intestate succession laws come into play when you die without a will. In that scenario, your assets will go to…
The Basics An annulment is a procedure to terminate a marriage. Once an annulment is granted, the former marriage is…
When Can a Landlord Enter a Rental Unit? As the landlord, do you possess the right to enter your tenant’s…
This article explains the meaning of a tenancy at will in California, and the required procedures to be followed by…