Retaliatory Eviction Under Arizona Law

Rental property owners should be aware of the strict rules governing landlord retaliation because they adversely affect a landlord’s ability to remove problem tenants from their units. Not knowing the rules in your state, or failing to strictly follow them could result in otherwise avoidable time and expenses, including the time and expense associated with…

Overview Of A Landlord’s Obligations To A Tenant Under Arizona Law

The relationship between a landlord and tenant is governed by the parties’ lease and Arizona law. Arizona’s Revised Statutes outline specific obligations of both property owners and renters, and both are bound by that law regardless of whether the obligation is spelled out in the lease agreement. Landlords should be aware of their legal obligations…

Can A Tenant Challenge An Arizona Eviction Judgment?

Is there anything a tenant can do to challenge a judgment of eviction in the landlord’s favor? The answer is “yes”. Landlords need to be aware of a tenant’s rights in this respect, particularly because one of the tenant’s options will have the effect of prolonging a tenant’s stay at the property for an indefinite…

How To Deal With Noise Complaints Reported By Tenants

Noise is one of the more common complaints a landlord receives from a tenant. This article discusses issues typically arising from noise complaints and offers guidance on how to address them when they surface. The Right To Quiet Enjoyment Every renter has a right not to be disturbed by excessive noise. This right is one…

California Probate Court Inventory And Appraisal Requirements

Purpose Of An Inventory And Appraisal An inventory and appraisal is a required filing in a California probate proceeding. The inventory and appraisal is a single document that (1) inventories the property in the decedent’s estate and (2) contains an appraisal of the property in the inventory. California Probate Code section 8800(a). Contents Of An…

Common Mistakes Made By Landlords In The Eviction Process

If you are in the property rental business, it is only a matter of time before you will have to evict someone from your dwelling. This article explains how to avoid some of the more common eviction mistakes committed by landlords when evicting a tenant from their property. Self Help Filing an Unlawful Detainer action…