Includes Notices, Unlawful Detainer, and Sheriff Lockout.
Mold issues can be a real problem in rental units, having the potential to cause various medical-related issues and damage…
Landlords face potential legal responsibility for failing to protect their tenants from harm caused by criminal activity. They are required…
This article discusses a realtor’s right to enter a rental unit, including the procedures that must be utilized to lawfully…
California tenants can avail themselves of many different methods to delay an eviction. One of the most common tactics utilized…
California landlords can invoke special procedures to obtain immediate possession of their property when the tenant is out of state…
It is essential for landlords and tenants to have a clear understanding of their respective rights and obligations for utility…
California landlords have the right to evict their tenants when they become a “nuisance” to others in the vicinity. This…
Sometimes it’s in the landlord’s best interest to attempt to settle an eviction case before engaging in time-consuming and expensive…
Santa Monica’s rent control laws include eviction protections limiting evictions to the reasons enumerated by the ordinance. Here is a…
Los Angeles landlords need a reason to evict a tenant that is authorized by the City’s eviction laws. This article…