Here is a summary of Nevada law addressing the rights and obligations of landlords and tenants arising from the landlord-tenant…
Nevada law requires a landlord to serve a three-day notice on the tenant when the reason for the eviction is…
The federal CARES Act (enacted March 27, 2020) imposed a temporary moratorium on eviction filings for residential properties financed by…
The State of Nevada has enacted specific laws dealing with squatters living on property without the owner’s permission. The process…
Nevada has enacted laws dealing specifically with evictions after foreclosure. The applicable statutory scheme depends on whether the eviction involves…
Nevada’s summary eviction process for non-payment of rent cases provides an expedited procedure for landlords seeking to regain possession of…
Under California law, when an owner rents real property to the resident, the resident is entitled to exclusive possession of…
Those who buy an occupied foreclosed property often find that the person(s) living there will not voluntarily vacate the property. …
The Department of Housing & Urban Development’s Section 8 program helps low-income tenants afford housing by providing rent subsidies to…
The City of Los Angeles has enacted a Tenant Anti-Harassment Ordinance that applies to ALL rentals in the City of…