How Much Rent Should You Charge Your Tenant?

If you’re contemplating renting out a house you own and are wondering what rental rate to charge, there are various factors you need to consider when arriving at that figure. Deciding on a fair rent rate for yourself and your tenants can lead to a much more successful, and financially healthy, rental business. Here are…

The Basics Of A “Cash For Keys” Transaction

If a tenant refuses to vacate rental property after lease termination, breaching the lease, or some other valid reason, the landlord can file an unlawful detainer action seeking a court order requiring the tenant to move. “Cash for Keys” transactions provide an alternative to eviction litigation that may result in saving time and resources if…

Landlord Liability For Dog Bites Under California Law

Landlords often hesitate to rent to people with dogs for several reasons, including fear of liability for a dog bite. The concern is justified in California and elsewhere. In California, while the general rule is that the dog’s owner is solely responsible for injuries the dog may cause, landlords can also be sued in limited…

Overview Of The Small Claims Court Process In Arizona

Small claims court offers a quick, informal, and inexpensive way of resolving many types of smaller disputes you may have with particular individuals or companies. This article provides a brief overview of the small claims court procedure in Arizona. What Is Small Claims Court? The small claims court in Arizona decides any claims for money…

The Eviction Process In California After Foreclosure

Foreclosure occurs when the owner of real property cannot pay his mortgage and the bank takes back the property and sells it, usually at an auction. After the property is sold, the new owner frequently has to deal with occupants who were living at the property before the foreclosure. Purchasers of foreclosed property need to…

Synopsis Of Arizona Law Governing Security Deposits

Most landlords require tenants to pay a security deposit as a condition of entering into a lease agreement. Among other things, they are typically used to cover nonpayment of rent, or any damages caused by a tenant beyond normal wear and tear. Arizona landlords need to understand the laws governing security deposits so they can…

Overview Of Arizona Commercial Property Evictions

Commercial property owners should fully understand Arizona’s landlord-tenant laws addressing tenant evictions, since non-compliance with those laws can result in an unnecessary waste of time and resources. In Arizona, there are two basic ways a commercial landlord can recover possession of a commercial property rented to a problem tenant. First, unlike many other states, Arizona…

Retaliatory Eviction Under Arizona Law

Rental property owners should be aware of the strict rules governing landlord retaliation because they adversely affect a landlord’s ability to remove problem tenants from their units. Not knowing the rules in your state, or failing to strictly follow them could result in otherwise avoidable time and expenses, including the time and expense associated with…

Overview Of A Landlord’s Obligations To A Tenant Under Arizona Law

The relationship between a landlord and tenant is governed by the parties’ lease and Arizona law. Arizona’s Revised Statutes outline specific obligations of both property owners and renters, and both are bound by that law regardless of whether the obligation is spelled out in the lease agreement. Landlords should be aware of their legal obligations…

Can A Tenant Challenge An Arizona Eviction Judgment?

Is there anything a tenant can do to challenge a judgment of eviction in the landlord’s favor? The answer is “yes”. Landlords need to be aware of a tenant’s rights in this respect, particularly because one of the tenant’s options will have the effect of prolonging a tenant’s stay at the property for an indefinite…