Duties of Landlords and Tenants under Nevada Law

Here is a summary of Nevada law addressing the rights and obligations of landlords and tenants arising from the landlord-tenant relationship. Landlord’s Obligations to Tenants A landlord’s legal duties to a tenant include the following: What is a “Habitable” Condition A habitable condition includes: Effective waterproofing and weather protection of roof and exterior walls, including…

Using a 3-Day Notice to Evict a Nevada Tenant Based on Illegal Activity

Nevada law requires a landlord to serve a three-day notice on the tenant when the reason for the eviction is illegal activity.  Here is an overview of the types of illegal activities that will support an eviction, the authorized methods of service of the notice, and the steps needed to complete an eviction after the…

30 Day Notice to Vacate Required in Non-Payment of Rent Cases Covered by the CARES Act

The federal CARES Act (enacted March 27, 2020) imposed a temporary moratorium on eviction filings for residential properties financed by federally backed mortgage loans or participating in federal affordable housing programs.  The CARES Act included a provision requiring landlords of covered properties to give tenants at least 30 days’ notice to vacate the premises in…

Evictions After Foreclosure in Nevada

Nevada has enacted laws dealing specifically with evictions after foreclosure.  The applicable statutory scheme depends on whether the eviction involves a former property owner or the previous property owner’s tenant.  Here is an overview of Nevada’s eviction procedure for both scenarios.  The Foreclosure Process The most common foreclosure process in Nevada is the trust deed…

Nevada’s Summary Procedure for Nonpayment of Rent Evictions

Nevada’s summary eviction process for non-payment of rent cases provides an expedited procedure for landlords seeking to regain possession of their property.  Here is an overview of that process. What is a Summary Eviction? Summary eviction is a streamlined eviction process which requiring the tenant to file an Affidavit in court to contest an eviction…

When Can Landlords Enter Their Rental Property?

Under California law, when an owner rents real property to the resident, the resident is entitled to exclusive possession of the premises, even to the exclusion of the owner or property manager of the premises. There are, however, exceptions to this general rule, as codified by Civil Code section 1954.  Here is a summary of…

Evictions After Foreclosure in California

Those who buy an occupied foreclosed property often find that the person(s) living there will not voluntarily vacate the property.  Before you take any action to evict, one threshold question needs to be answered:  Is the person on the property the former owner or the former owner’s tenant? The answer to this question is important…

Evicting a Section 8 Tenant

The Department of Housing & Urban Development’s Section 8 program helps low-income tenants afford housing by providing rent subsidies to the program participants. A Section 8 tenancy can go south for the same reasons as other tenancies, sometimes requiring the landlord to commence eviction proceedings against the tenant. This article summarizes the legal grounds for…

Synopsis of the City of Los Angeles Tenant Anti-Harassment Ordinance

The City of Los Angeles has enacted a Tenant Anti-Harassment Ordinance that applies to ALL rentals in the City of Los Angeles, including Single Family Residences and condos.  It can be found in Article 5.3 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code and is summarized below.  Prohibited Conduct The LA City Tenant Anti-Harassment Ordinance prohibits Los…