Synopsis of the City of Richmond’s Eviction Control Ordinance

The City of Richmond has enacted the Fair Rent, Just Cause for Eviction and Homeowners Protection Ordinance, effective December 30, 2016.  The Ordinance includes controls over rent increases and “just cause” requirements for evictions.   Here is a summary of the eviction protection provisions of the Ordinance. Exempt Properties All residential rental units in Richmond are…

Summary of the City of Pasadena’s Eviction Control Ordinance

The City of Pasadena has adopted the Pasadena Fair and Equitable Housing Charter Amendment (Measure H), which limits rent increases and restricts evictions in the City of Pasadena.  The law has two main parts: rent control and eviction protections. This article summarizes the eviction protection provisions of the Ordinance.  Exemptions Almost all tenants in Pasadena…

Synopsis of the City of Mountain View’s Eviction Protection Ordinance

The City of Mountain View has enacted the Community Stabilization and Fair Rent Act, which limits rent increases and the reasons for evicting a tenant for properties covered by the ordinance.   The City also has a Tenant Relocation Assistance Ordinance that provides assistance to eligible tenants in cases of no-fault displacements.  Here is a summary…

Summary of the City of Emeryville’s Eviction Control Ordinance

The City of Emeryville has enacted the Residential Landlord and Tenant Relations ordinance, which regulates evictions for most residential rental units in the City.  The Ordinance limits the reasons why landlords may terminate a tenancy and requires landlords to provide a notice of the tenant rights under the ordinance using the City’s mandatory form notice. …

Summary of the City of East Palo Alto’s Eviction Protection Ordinance

The City of East Palo Alto has adopted rent control limitations and protections against eviction in a 2010 Ordinance that applies to almost all residential rental units, including new construction and single-family dwellings.  Here is a summary of the eviction-related provisions of the ordinance.  Filing Requirement All eviction notices served on a tenant must be…

Synopsis of the City of Beverly Hills’ Eviction Protection Ordinance

This Article summarizes the eviction protection provisions of the City of Beverly Hill’s Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO).  As discussed below, the Ordinance imposes just cause requirements for evictions involving covered properties and requires relocation assistance payments for most no fault evictions.  Covered landlords are also required to register their property with the City of Beverly…

Synopsis of the City of Berkeley’s Eviction Protection Ordinance

The City of Berkeley has enacted a Rent Stabilization and Eviction for Good Cause Ordinance which significantly restricts a landlord’s right to evict a tenant.  The Ordinance also imposes notice and registration obligations for any eviction carried out within the City’s borders, and requires payment of relocation expense for certain “no fault evictions.  Here is…

Synopsis of the City of Hayward’s Eviction Control Ordinance

In 2019 the City of Hayward enacted the Residential Rent Stabilization and Tenant Protection Ordinance, which caps annual rent increases and restricts evictions to only those reasons listed in the Ordinance.  Here is a summary of the Ordinance’s eviction control provisions. Notification Requirement Landlords are required to provide tenants with notice of the ordinance by…

Synopsis of the City of Inglewood’s Eviction Protection Ordinance

The City of Inglewood has a rent and eviction control ordinance that significantly limits tenant evictions for most properties within the City’s borders.  Here is a summary of the Ordinance as it relates to tenant evictions.  Registration Requirement Landlords must file an annual registration statement for all units that are offered for rent or that…

The City of Chula Vista’s Eviction Control Ordinance

In 2022 the City of Chula Vista enacted the Residential Tenant Protection Ordinance (RTPO).  The RTPO requires “just cause” for evictions consistent with state law, and includes additional protections for tenants in certain circumstances.  Here is a synopsis of the ordinance.  Excluded Properties The RTPO does not apply to the following residential tenancies: •  Single-family owner-occupied residences in…