What To Include When Preparing A California Lease Or Rental Agreement

A well-drafted lease or rental agreement can be critical to your success in the property rental business. What goes into the agreement determines whether you profit or fail as a landlord. Leaving out important items lets tenants take advantage of you, and not including California and Federal law requirements subjects you to fines and penalties….

How Tenants Use The Legal Process To Delay A California Eviction

Code of Civil Procedure §1161 was designed by the California Legislature to provide an inexpensive and expeditious procedure for a landlord to regain rental property unlawfully in the tenant’s possession. The salutary purpose of this law has been increasingly frustrated by delay tactics employed by tenants who want to contest the proceeding and stay in…

Retaliatory Evictions In California

What Is A Retaliatory Eviction? Retaliatory eviction arises when the eviction is intended to punish the tenant because the tenant committed a legal act. It is illegal for a landlord to retaliate against a tenant California tenant who has exercised a legal right, including: • complaining to the landlord about unsafe or illegal living conditions…

The Basics Of A California Small Claims Action

Small Claims Court is geared towards the average citizen, letting everyday people resolve their disputes quickly and inexpensively. Almost any dispute can be taken to Small Claims Court, provided the amount of money requested falls within the maximum allowed by California law. Landlord-tenant disputes to collect unpaid rental payments are one of the more common…

Constructive Evictions And How To Avoid Them

What Is A Constructive Eviction? In California, there is an implied warranty of habitability requiring the landlord to provide rental property conditions fit for the occupation of human beings. The rental property in question must comply with or exceed California health and building code standards that materially affect a tenant’s health and safety. Constructive eviction…

Prosecuting A California Divorce Case When Your Spouse Cannot Be Located

After filing for divorce in California, the law requires that you serve your spouse with the divorce petition to give him or her an opportunity to be heard and participate in the case. In many situations, both spouses have agreed to the divorce and delivering the paperwork is not an issue. But what happens when…

Common Issues Arising From The Division Of Property In A California Divorce

One of the most significant issues in any divorce is the court-ordered division of property between the parties. Here is a brief overview of some of the major issues implicated by the analysis of who gets what in a California divorce proceeding. Community vs. Separate Property Under California law, when a couple is married the…